Tips For Storing Your Wine
This one looks good to me!
You’ve just come from the liquor store with a couple of bottles of wine, and you’re wondering what’s the best way to store it. Whether you’re the average wine drinker, a connoisseur, or a collector, there are three things to think about: Keep cool. Go dark. Lie down.
Regarding temperature, the sweet zone for wine storage is between 45 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. A consistent temperature is also important, so tuck your bottles where the temperature stays the same all year. Check humidity, too. Too dry, and the cork will dry out. Too wet, and you’re risking mold. You’re okay between 50 and 80 percent humidity. An easy way to check humidity level is with a hydrometer, which you can find at hardware stores for around $20.
Nice and tidy!
Light is not wine’s friend. That means sunlight, fluorescent light, and UV light. Sunlight can create oxidation that will change the flavor of the wine. UV rays can make the wine age too quickly. Light bulbs aren’t as damaging, but darkness is best. Is there a spare closet that you can turn into a wine storage area?
Storing wine on its side is better than standing it upright. For those bottles you’re going to use right away, don’t worry about standing them up. But if you keep a bottle for over a few months, place it on its side. This keeps the wine touching the cork, so it doesn’t dry out. If your wine has a screw top, glass cork, or plastic cork, it’s okay for the wine to stand tall.
For the average wine drinker, most bottles you get from your local liquor stores aren’t meant to be put aside to age, so you can relax and pour yourself a glass without worrying too much about temperature, light, and position. If you’d like a special place for your wine or can’t find a good spot in your home, wine refrigerators are an option. They range from about $400 to $3,000 dollars. The bottom line? Make sure your wine is stored for how you plan to use it, and pour a glass and enjoy!
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