You're the Pecan of my Pie!
Boston Winery is giving away a FREE Pumpkin Pecan from Konditor Meister when you are one of the first 30 people to reserve your mix and match 6 pack of wine!
Don't get caught empty handed this Thanksgiving!
Oh my gourd—it's almost Thanksgiving!
Personally, We love Thanksgiving traditions: watching football, pecan pie, and saying the magic phrase that sends your aunt storming out of the dining room to sit in her car!
We have such a treat for you this year! Traveling to that Thanksgiving Feast? Don't go empty handed. Boston Winery teamed up with Konditor Meister bakery to give the first 30 customers a FREE Pecan Pie, made with handmade pie crust to anyone who purchases our 6 pack wine package. Our wine pack can be custom assembled with a mix of your favorite wines!
Did this strike a gourd with you? Then preorder today! Remember only the first 30 will be eligible for the FREE Konditor Meister Pecan Pie. - Pick up will be Wednesday, November 23th between 10-3 PM.
*Wine pack excludes our Midnight Mountain Barbera