Betterness By The Bottle: 21 Positive Effects Of Wine


Let’s face it, winter is always cold and sometimes lonely, and within-person connection becoming more difficult than ever, this winter for many has been a struggle. But just as every night leads to dawn, we have a lot to look forward to in the coming months. From sunnier skies and warmer weather to the slow and safe return to normalcy, we want to help you reflect on the good in front of you—starting with the wine you drink.

So take a moment to join us and look at 21 reasons why the wine you love can improve your mind, body**, and spirit: 

**Important Note: Wine is most beneficial when consumed in moderation and should not be relied upon as a cure or only preventative measure for any diseases. Please consult your doctor with any questions about how wine consumption may affect you and your body.


Increase your zen with a glass of red!

  1. Improves heart health: Red wine can lower your risk of heart attacks.

  2. Good for your gums: Wine may be able to fight tooth decay and promote gum health.

  3. Can help prevent cataracts: In moderation, wine can prevent macular degeneration.

  4. Boosts your immune system: Red wine is high in antioxidants, which can boost immunity.

  5. Strengthens bones: Drinking wine has been shown to strengthen bones in women.

  6. Cuts the risk of cancer: Studies have shown that polyphenols in wine can fight cancer.

  7. Makes you smarter: Red wine may slow the cognitive decline that happens as we age

  8. Puts you in the mood: Looking to get it on? Red wines are rumored to be a natural aphrodisiac.

  9. Say Cianara to those Wrinkles: Wine can protect skin by restoring collagen and elastic fibers.

  10. Reduces Type 2 diabetes: In moderation, red wine has been shown to control diabetes.

  11. Protects your heart: The resveratrol in wine can help to maintain a healthier heart.

  12. Can lower weight: Wine may have the ability to transform stubborn fat into burnable fat.

  13. May help you live longer: The cumulative benefits of wine may promote longevity.

  14. Improves lung function: Red wine may reduce your chances of lung cancer by 57%.

  15. Brings people together: Wine is a natural vehicle of connection and celebration.

  16. It’s the best companion to food: The right wine and the right food can bring out the best flavors in both.

  17. Can lift your spirits: Wine can boost your mood and increase your confidence.

  18. Gets better with age: It gets better with age and tastier with time, so savor every sip.

  19. Wine comes in many varieties: Each wine is unique, which always makes for a good time.

  20. It is simply delicious: Because sometimes, words can’t do wine justice!

Who doesn’t love pizza and wine?

Who doesn’t love pizza and wine?

And what about the 21st reason? Well, that one is the best reason to enjoy wine.

21. Whether you love wine for its health benefits or for its great taste, no matter whether you’re a casual wine lover or a seasoned sommelier, there’s no doubt that when world-class wine and positive people come together, you can’t help but smile. 


We’re always here to support you just as you support us. And that, my friend, is something worth toasting to!

So here’s to sunnier skies ahead and the truth that whatever life throws at us, we’ll cherish the best of it and drink it in together.


get your favorites delivered to your doorstep with a complimentary virtual wine tasting included with every bottle!


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