Can the Cabernet, Get More Out of Your Steak with These 5 Wines

Red wine and steak, a tale as old a time.

Red wine and steak, a tale as old a time.

When people think of pairing wine with steak, most think of big, bold cabernets - it’s a no-brainer! Or is it? Different cuts of steak have different flavors and fat percentages, so why do we pigeonhole every cut of steak with a Cabernet? Here’s a list of our top 4 favorite steaks and which wines you can enjoy with them.

  1. Sangiovese and Filet Mignon

A heavenly combination!

A heavenly combination!

This cut of steak is the small cut of the short tenderloin of the cow; it gets minimal exercise, so it’s extra tender. If you’ve had Filet Mignon, you know that you can cut it with a butter knife because of its melt-in-your-mouth texture. It’s not just the taste of this steak that makes it so unique; it’s also the fact that there are only two filets per cow, making it a scarcely available cut. So which wine should you pair with this delicacy? We recommend a lighter red like Sangiovese, a versatile wine. 

2. Syrah and Porterhouse 

Speaking of delicacies, the porterhouse cut of steak is a coveted cut of meat because it’s two cuts of steak on one plate! One side is the buttery tenderloin, and the other side is Strip Steak. This steak has the perfect balance of lean tenderloin and fatty steak divided by bone. For this cut, we recommend Syrah. This wine is bold and fruity, making it more than able to cut through the fatty parts and compliment the tenderloin part. 

3. Zinfandel and Rib Eye

The heartiest combination!

The heartiest combination!

Do you like your cut of beef full of flavor and marbled to perfection? Then the RibEye cut is for you! You can enjoy Rib Eye on the bone or without, and it’s usually a sizable cut of meat because of the amount of fat content that attributes to its delicious flavor profile. For this cut of beef, the wine we choose is a spicy Zinfandel. Zinfandels are medium-bodied, fruity, and peppery, making it the perfect balance for the fat content and bold flavor of the Rib Eye.

4. Merlot and Prime Rib

If you’re looking for another tender and flavorful version of the Rib Eye, consider Prime Rib! It’s a large roasting joint containing sections of the rib bone and a substantial portion of the Rib Eye section of the cow. Prime Rib is a true delicacy, and we recommend pairing it with Merlot. Merlot is a versatile wine, medium in body but full of dark fruit flavors!

5. Buttery Chardonnay and Viognier

Sharks love steak too!

Sharks love steak too!

Some people are opposed to red wine entirely, and to that, we say, “Why?” but we have a wine for you, anyways! To hold up against the richness of the beef, we recommend a Viognier or a bold and oaky Chardonnay. Our Shark in the Pond is the perfect blend and we’re sure it will support the flavors with any cut of steak!

Wine isn’t the only thing that pairs well with steak; sometimes, it’s all in the sauce! A steak is excellent on its own, but a delicious sauce can elevate the flavors and the experience. At our Steak and Wine Pairing on May 27th, we’ll be serving Prime Rib prepared five different ways paired with Boston Winery wine to match the intricate flavors of each sauce, as well as the steak. Experience the different flavors that sauce and wine and sauce can bring to a delicious plate of steak!


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