Pop Bottles and Popcorn this Mother’s Day!

So many delicious pairings!

So many delicious pairings!

The job of a mother is complex, challenging, and rewarding. For Mother’s Day, we wanted to put together a pairing package that could be an homage to all of the sweet and salty flavors that mothering brings. 

Here are the pairings that we have in our Spring Wine and Popcorn Pairing Package featuring Lisa’s Passion for Popcorn to honor all mothers out there with their favorite snack and beverage!

Cheers to the Tough Love 

The pairing with our Black Dog Chardonnay and Lisa’s Salted Caramel popcorn is for all of the tough love we’ve received from our moms. Our moms had loved us despite the dirty looks we gave when we didn’t get ice cream for dinner. It’s true, moms know best, and they deserve a big thank you for being the bad guy for the good of us.

Salted Caramel popcorn represents the salty feeling of not getting what we want and the guilt our mothers would feel when she couldn’t give us what we wanted, but the caramel is the reward for knowing that we would be okay because we had moms who care! Your mom will enjoy the complimentary salty-sweet flavor of the popcorn with our buttery chardonnay - sweet, sweet relief from those little angry side-eyes!

Cheers for Always Believing in Our Dreams

Moms are the best cheerleaders - even without the pom-poms.

Moms are the best cheerleaders - even without the pom-poms.

Lisa’s Raspberry Dream popcorn with our Bread and Roses Rosé is a pairing to thank our moms for always believing in us and our dreams. This pairing is for the moms who would let us be a princess for a day, or made yet another Halloween costume because we changed our mind AGAIN, or would show up to every college baseball game even when we whiffed the ball every time. 

Our Bread and Roses Rosé is the perfect compliment for the Raspberry Dream popcorn. It’s a delicious thank you to our moms, who have always encouraged us to dream big even if she had to put her own dreams on hold for a little while.

Cheers to the Hard Work and Unwavering Love

Nothing tastes better than after-work wine!

Nothing tastes better than after-work wine!

Some moms were working and multitasking moms and they showed us they loved us even when they couldn’t come to every soccer game. Our Black Dog Brachetto with Lisa’s Berry and Cream Popcorn pairing is sweet and effervescent, just like the woman who raised you! 

This pairing is for the mothers who worked all day to come home to read us a bedtime story and then finally got the chance to relax with a glass of wine and a bowl of popcorn! Cheers to our multitasking moms who worked hard to ensure that we were given the best life possible!

Want to go big with the Mother’s Day present this year? Check out our Spring Wine Pairing Package to give your mom an unforgettable experience with her favorite snack and beverage! 

Or maybe you want to keep things lighter? Gift our Bread and Roses Rosé with Raspberry Dream Popcorn! 


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